
Showing posts from August, 2015

How To Do A Cleanup

Why We Clean Image Source: from Google According to my experience, our world is polluted more than our mother nature could handle. But I believe that if we could change ourself then we can change the thoughts of a whole society. And by doing those Cleanups I believe more and more people will be joined hands together and most importantly people will be get educated about the importance of being environmental friendly. Let's Start At first, I must say if anybody wants to do a cleanup even by himself I hope reading my words will help you to do it in a better way!. What I have described in this BLOG is for the people who are organizing the CLEANUP as a group work to involve many people as much as possible. And considering the current trend for the CLEANUPS, I hope this post will come in handy. And also every factor I mentioned here is the experience I gained from the taking part in a set of Volunteering events and I do believe that this BLOG  will greatly he...

adding font styles to JOP in Java SE using basic html

This is Not Big Deal,Only need few simple HTML knowledge, Sit back & watch 1)Normal message dialog with default font and color. the Code: JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(rootPane,  "Do You want to Exit from Invoice? ", "Message", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION); You see,message consists of just plain text(Boring...) 2) Changing the Text properties as I wish * first take the Sentence to show into a String Variable String txt=  "Do You want to Exit from Invoice? "; *Put HTML tags String txt=  "<html>Do You want to Exit from Invoice? </html>"; *Change the Properties (I want the "Invoice" word to be bolt,underlined,colored and set the whole sentence's font size to 4) String txt=  "<html><font size=4>Do You want to Exit from <font color= A7239C><b><u>Invoice</u></b></font> ? </font></html>"; the final Code: JOptionPane....

How to Use KeyEventDispatcher() with Multiple JFrames Easily

I have  to tell that this is the easiest trick I found so far to dealing with multiple JFrames with Keyboard inputs.(Eg:- Closing a JFrame using ESC button ) Scenario: closing the JFrame "Invoice" by pressing ESC and go to another JFrame "Main_menue". 1) First of all you have to import few things as follows import java.awt.KeyEventDispatcher; import java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;  2) Then Implement your JFrame class to KeyEventDispatcher(used class name is "Invoice") public class Invoice extends javax.swing.JFrame implements KeyEventDispatcher { 3) (Step  3 & 4 make sure to do in JFrame class u want to close)  Then you have to Override the method "public boolean dispatchKeyEvent(KeyEvent e) "  of   KeyEventDispatcher, as follows.         @Override         public boolean dispatchKeyEvent(KeyEvent e) {             ...